
A "wordlist" or "dictionary" attack is the easiest mode of password cracking, in which we simply read in a list of password candidates and try each one line-by-line. There are many popular lists out there, including the venerable rockyou list. The SecLists repo also have an expansive collection for different applications.

hashcat.exe -a 0 -m 1000 ntlm.txt rockyou.txt



  • -a 0 specifies the wordlist attack mode.

  • -m 1000 specifies that the hash is NTLM.

  • ntlm.txt is a text file containing the NTLM hash to crack.

  • rockyou.txt is the wordlist.

Use hashcat.exe --help to get a complete list of attack mode and hash types.

This cracks practically instantly because 'Password123' is present in the wordlist:

PS C:\> Select-String -Pattern "^Password123$" -Path rockyou.txt -CaseSensitive



Although fast it's not very flexible, since if the password is not in the list, we won't crack it.

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