Wordlist + Rules

Rules are a means of extending or manipulating the "base" words in a wordlist in ways that are common habits for users. Such manipulation can include toggling character cases (e.g. a to A), character replacement (e.g. a to @) and prepending/appending characters (e.g. password to password!). This allows our wordlists to be overall smaller in size (because we don't have to store every permutation), but with the drawback of a slightly slower cracking time.

hashcat.exe -a 0 -m 1000 ntlm.txt rockyou.txt -r rules\add-year.rule



  • -r rules\add-year.rule is our custom rule file

The rockyou list does not contain Summer2020, but it does contain the base word, Summer.

PS C:\> Select-String -Pattern "^Summer2020$" -Path rockyou.txt -CaseSensitive
PS C:\> Select-String -Pattern "^Summer$" -Path rockyou.txt -CaseSensitive



The hashcat wiki contains all the information we need to write a custom rule that will append the year 2020 to each word in rockyou. We can see that to append a character, we use $X - therefore to append "2020", we just need $2$0$2$0.

PS C:\> cat hashcat\rules\add-year.rule

Hashcat also ships with lots of rule files in the rules directory that you can use.

Last updated